Top Professional Working Apps for Lawyers in 2020

Top Professional Working Apps for Lawyers in 2020

The app store is like a digital version of a big box retail store, where you enter with the sole purpose of buying one product but may end up with so much more. App stores host a variety of apps for lifestyle, entertainment, utilities, productivity, and many other iterations that combine these categories like social and professional networking.

Through the incorporation of innovations like AI and algorithms, these apps have become even more personal and purposeful for professionals looking to widen their networks. For instance, if you are a new attorney there are many apps that can help you make the most out of your time and career. Here are 5.


Since time is everything for attorneys, this could mean that the clock is ticking even during their lunch breaks. LikeLunch allows attorneys to maximize their breaks through networking. It connects you with other lawyers, law firms, or hiring managers near your location.

All you need to do is filter your search depending on individuals, interests, companies, or job categories you’d like displayed. You can send a private message to any of these people, and invite them out to lunch, which will then be automatically added to your calendar. It even displays a list of reviewed restaurants in your common area. You never know how much you’ll be able to learn and find potential opportunities by simply sharing a meal in a relaxed, laidback setting.

ABBYY Business Card Reader

Traditional business cards are often passed around as a formality when meeting other professionals. However, this also poses the risk of these small pieces of paper getting lost. The Balance recommends ABBYY Business Card Reader as the solution to your business card and networking woes. By simply scanning a card through this built-in Optical Character Recognition technology on your smartphone, you can immediately back up the data for easy access later on.

Its smart technology even automatically crops backgrounds, highlights errors, fills in missing fields, and corrects typos. You no longer need to sift through your entire contact directory if you’re looking for a name, but can simply open the app to access all your professional contacts centralized on this platform. Social media accounts can be linked to these electronic business cards which can also be shared digitally.


LinkedIn is like Facebook’s younger, more professional brother. It is a platform for networking and career development, making it the perfect avenue for attorneys to expand their networks. Your profile displays like a resume, and the app can even connect you to those you share similarities with.

Communication is vital in the legal industry and is how attorneys and law firms constantly move forward. By fostering a more personal, more collaborative partnership with your peers, Special Counsel notes that lawyers can effectively provide innovative solutions to various legal challenges. You should consider installing LinkedIn whether you are looking to recruit new employees or are on the lookout for a new job. You’re very likely to come across the right person or right company to work in through the app.


Every professional has their own goals, and Lounjee connects you with likeminded individuals. The suggestions on the app are people who share your goals, or people who you can mutually benefit from. Aside from mere connections, the app also explains why the suggested people are worth meeting–whether virtually or physically–giving you talking points should you choose to connect.

It wastes no time in finding people and continues the search even when you are not on the app. Your circle will easily expand every time you consider exploring a suggested connection.


The team behind Tinder created Ripple as a more professional avenue for networking. Taking their technology for connecting individuals, it offers a solution to the burden of meeting new people swiftly and strategically. It syncs with your LinkedIn and Twitter profiles as well, taking data from these sources and including it in your Ripple profile.

You can fill in the gaps with your personal and professional interests, and other information you’d like people to know. You’ll even be able to create groups and events with like-minded individuals. While it’s been a concern that people will use the app for ulterior, non-professional motives, Ripple includes a feature for reporting suspicious activity.

Given how jam-packed a lawyer’s schedule can be, these apps will help them make the most out of their time–especially since having a large network means everything to their career. These networking apps are a gateway to establishing more meaningful connections with others. Go ahead and hit ‘install’ and see where this will take you.

Tanish Patel

Tanish is the founder and CEO of AppStory, specializes in smart Internet marketing. He is a specialist in online marketing strategy and brand building. When he’s not considering the next best online marketing strategy with his team. we are happy to share your App story on Our AppStoryorg. Submit


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