Travel Planner Mobile App Development Cost and Key Features

Since the first day of this millennium, mobile applications have been a major part of people’s lives. They use them for almost anything nowadays, from playing games to learning languages and even getting entertained with some videos or music.

It has become a significant part of our everyday life that we cannot imagine going out without it anymore, not even for a few minutes.

With the development of technology, mobile applications are now not limited to smartphones, but they have also become available for TV and smartwatches.

Even car manufacturers are planning on building apps into the cars of the future.

Mobile applications have made so many things more convenient for us that it is almost impossible to imagine living without them anymore.

But how about travel planner mobile apps? 

Well, they are both convenient and necessary for travelers who want to make their trips perfect with some insight and information about the environment and the surroundings that they will live in while traveling.

Travel planner mobile applications offer you a lot of features depending on what you want to achieve, how much money it takes, and the time needed for creating an app since there are so many app development companies out there doing this job at different speeds.

In this article, we will be covering topics such as how much does it cost to make an app, features of travel planner apps, and how much does it actually cost to build them?


These are the things that we will talk about in this article:


Travel Planner Apps: Key Features & App Development Cost and Time Before we begin, let us elucidate what a travel planner mobile app actually is.

Travel Planner Mobile Application

This type of application is beneficial for people planning on traveling because it offers them information about their surroundings to make the best out of it whether they are going for a business trip or family vacation.

It provides users with some basic features that help them discover different attractions in their surroundings, offers suggestions about places to eat, and even access to maps to guide them.

Who should use Travel Planner Mobile Apps?

These types of apps are best suited for people who want to discover surrounding attractions or even travel alone, where maps and other guidance would be extremely useful while they are navigating their way around.

For instance, a parent who is taking a trip with their child could use this kind of mobile app to gain information about the area surrounding them.

This will help them decide what is available for their child and how much it costs before they actually experience it. It will also offer them some guidance on where they can go if the weather changes or if they want to find food, etc.

What is Travel Planner Mobile App Key Features?

Type of Application:

Before developing an application, it is important that you determine what type of mobile app you want to develop.

There are two types of apps; Native and Hybrid applications.

Native and Hybrid Applications

Native applications, as the name suggests, works on a single platform, and their code is written specifically for that platform.

Hybrid applications, however, can work across multiple platforms, but they need to be tested and re-written before every new platform, which makes them somewhat slow and less reliable.

For this type of application, we will choose Native apps because it is only available for one platform at a time.


Another major positioning factor when it comes to apps is the design. The design of the app should be user-friendly and attractive in order to win them over. There are so many mobile applications out there that have great design but lack functionality, making them useless for the user. Make sure that your app has great functionality and a good design to help you with this.


This is another major factor when it comes to apps because no one wants to use an app that doesn’t work or offers nothing to them. The functionality of the app should be great, so users will get what they want from your application, even if it takes time. One of the most important things about this application is that it shouldn’t take long, considering that people are on the go and don’t have a lot of time to spare.

Features of Travel Planner Apps:

The main feature of a Travel Planner Application should be informed about the surrounding area and possible attractions and offering them guidance on how to get there (maps) etc. Some other minor features include things like – Restaurants, hotels, weather updates, currency exchange rates, reviews, and much more. All this information should be easily accessible from the main screen of the application.

How much does it cost to develop a Travel Planner App?

The development process can take anywhere between 30-80 days, depending on the features you want, the platform, and its complexity. Normally, a travel planner mobile application that has all the features mentioned above should cost anywhere between $20,000 – $40,000. 

However, it is important to note that these apps are supposed to be long-term investments since you will be gaining users who use your application regularly and might make in-app purchases or take out subscriptions, increasing your revenue.

How to distribute Travel Planner Apps:

Distribution is an integral part of apps, and it will be beneficial if you can get your app on as many stores as possible so that users can download your application.

You could also give away promo codes for free downloads of your application, but this might not help much.

The more likely approach is to distribute your apps through smart advertising so that people will know about the application and its features. This way, you can grow your revenue since users will be willing to spend money on your application after seeing how useful it is.

Author’s Bio

Abdullah Mangi is a creative web content writer with more than 2 years of experience. He likes to explore writing areas under niche IT and Technology with creative heads. He has been working as a freelance content writer, blogger for international clients. His specialties are Article Writing, Blog Writing, Freelance Content Writing, and Content for Social Media, under niches like IT and Technology.

Tanish Patel

Tanish is the founder and CEO of AppStory, specializes in smart Internet marketing. He is a specialist in online marketing strategy and brand building. When he’s not considering the next best online marketing strategy with his team. we are happy to share your App story on Our AppStoryorg. Submit


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