AP - Print and Digital Marketing

5 Ways Print and Digital Marketing Are More Powerful Together

In this day and age, brands simply have to take their business online if they hope to reach success. In that sense, digital marketing is an absolute must-have, especially for startups that want to boost their reach. Not to mention that digital forms of marketing tend to be more budget-friendly compared to the traditional ones. However, that doesn’t mean that traditional marketing and print are the things of the past completely; quite the contrary. Some businesses can still benefit a lot from utilizing print. What’s more, the effective mix of both digital marketing and print can prove to be the ideal solution for successfully leveling up one’s business.

Benefits of Print

Even though digital marketing and Internet ads are widely used these days, people still tend to find print advertisements a bit more trustworthy. Regardless of whether this belief has any validity or not, it’s just how things are.

Furthermore, print ads tend to be more memorable and they could linger in people’s minds for longer. This is due to the fact that going through newspapers and magazines allow the readers to focus on every single part of the content better, which includes typically colorful and engaging ads. On the other hand, Internet ads might not have such an attention-grabbing power as people often already have their minds filled with the information they’re searching the Web for.

Even though the print ads might be costlier, this is not the only form of printing to utilize. Flyers, banners, catalogs, etc. all can be considered a part of print marketing. That said, many companies have already utilized the efficiency of managed print services in Colorado as a great way to save money and time as well as increasing the focus on marketing efforts in particular. After all, print advertisements last longer. While digital ads may have a statistically larger reach, they are rather fleeting. On the other hand, an ad in a magazine, catalog, and so on, can remain there for years – as long as the paper in question is kept around.

Benefits of Digital Marketing

One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is the fact that you can make the most out of it with any budget, no matter how small it is. Even investing just a couple of dollars for Facebook ads is enough to get you started.

It’s possible to get relatively fast results with different digital advertisements, especially since you get to customize these ads so that they target rather specific demographics.

What’s more, thanks to the nature of digital marketing, it’s rather easy to track and measure the results of your marketing efforts, which in turn allows you to switch things up and update them in order to improve the efficiency of the entire strategy quickly and easily. Not to mention that the digital tracking properties apply to learning more about your target audience in the first place.

Mixing the Two

With notable benefits of both print and digital marketing, it’s clear that combining the efforts of the two can provide the best results for a company that wishes to reach their target audience, establish authority and trustworthiness, and remain memorable. Of course, how you’re going to go about combining traditional and digital marketing tactics will hugely depend on the nature of your business, but some practices are definitely worth considering.

  1. Use Digital Data Offline

That said, utilizing data about your target audience that you obtain through digital tracking isn’t only useful for your online marketing efforts, but offline as well. The wording, use of colors, the choice of print paper, and so on are all things that you can learn from digital tracking.

  1. From Social Media to Real World

Social media campaigns can be used to target your audience online so that you can consequently market to them with print material directly. A great example is the use of Facebook for getting people to sign up for free samples of skincare, food, perfume, and so on.

  1. Better Calls-to-Action

The research and results you get from digital analytics can be crucial for coining your best CTA (call-to-action) offline as well. After all, just like your landing pages online, your print ads also need a catchphrase to encourage your audience to take action.

  1. QR Codes for Increased Engagement

QR codes are a rather interesting way to combine digital and traditional marketing. What’s more, it’s a fun option to engage your audience as they can simply scan the code from a print in order to access digital offers and materials.

  1. Enhance the Power of Online with Offline

Print marketing is an ideal solution when it comes to emphasizing your digital marketing efforts. For instance, loyal customers of your brand will appreciate you a lot more if they receive a postcard in their mail, and not just an inbox full of newsletters.

It’s true that traditional marketing has been overthrown by the power of digital advertising nowadays, but it can still make a huge difference for your brand. This is especially true when you effectively combine print and digital marketing. 

Eve Anderson

Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.


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