What is the Future of Education in Digital Technology?

The rise of digital technology has brought seismic changes to the world around us, completely changing the business landscape. 

The field of education has been changing, too, under the influence of these major disruptors. 

The most apparent trend is the rise of online education, reflecting the strong transformative potential of technology and digitalization in shaping the modern workplace.

To better understand and leverage recent changes in education and the advantages it brings, it’s crucial to keep an eye on current trends and make the most of them.

The role of tech-giants 

Tech-giants are among the top drivers of changes in education.

As the rise of digital technology, AI, and automation, has made a substantial impact on processes at the workplace and changed most of the job requirements, many tech companies are now facing talent scarcity.

There is a growing demand for skilled experts that are capable of fulfilling new job expectation, as traditional education doesn’t succeed in providing work-ready graduates that can adapt to their new roles quickly.

Some tech giants have created their certification programs and are teaming up with colleges to offer up-to-date education, required by the latest technologies. 

Amazon has, for example, dedicated $700 million for six years for post-secondary training of its employees, trying to create a skilled workforce that will be able to meet the requirements of a highly competitive job market.

Furthermore, Google designed various in-person and online courses and training for different tech professionals, such as developers and data analysts.

Online training courses are designed to develop just the skills students need to enter and adapt to the industry smoothly –   ICT in Australia can prepare students for a career in IT, website development, or cybersecurity online, at their own pace, and with all the support they need.

Globally accessible

Another great thing about the transformation in the education field is that a significant number of courses and online programs are available anywhere in the world, anytime. 

In the future, even learning from the experts will become globally accessible and won’t be limited only to those who have the opportunities to enroll in the top universities.

We can’t deny that traditional education is elitist. The best colleges and universities are gated. The access to them is granted either to the students with exceptional talent, or extraordinary wealth.

Online education has the power to break down such barriers and provide the opportunity for many others to benefit from the top teachers, regardless of where they live. They will be able to learn at their own pace and at an affordable price.

The use of VR and AR

Virtual and artificial reality will bring the quality of digital education to a whole new level, and the advancements in this area will be possible with the rise of 5G technology

Because of its near-zero latency, 5G technology will, for example, even make remote surgeries possible.

With its new capabilities, this network has the power to improve people’s lives significantly, but also to unlock the potential of online learning. 

Even when they are not present in the classroom, at least physically, students will be able to learn the best possible practice from their mentors and teachers.

Video-based learning

Although video-based learning is not as innovative as the use of AR and VR in the class, 98% of the educators see it as a vital part of a personalized learning experience as it boosts the students’ satisfaction by 91% and their achievements for 82%.

The truth is that people learn more efficiently with the help of video-based content, as it is more engaging and easier to digest. 

It’s only natural that learning materials should come in a format that’s easy on the eyes and mind, so using video as a tool in education isn’t optional but mandatory.

Furthermore, as mobile devices make it possible for people to watch videos on the go, it means that they can use their commuting or waiting time more productively, and educate themselves.

Adaptive learning

We are living in a world of personalization, and education seems to be following this trend. 

Traditional learning techniques fail to address the peculiarities and needs of individual students. Some people are visual types, and best understand the information presented through images and videos, while others find it easier to grasp the meaning of the written word. While one can comprehend a particular scientific concept for 15 minutes, another person might struggle with it for a couple of hours.

That’s why the future of education lies in adaptive learning, an algorithm-driven approach that provides personalized learning approaches tailored to every individual student.

Lifelong learning

As we’ve already mentioned above, the business landscape is changing as we speak, and so do the job requirements. Getting a college degree doesn’t mean you’re done with your education – if you want to stay competitive at the job market and advance your career, you need to keep up with the latest developments in your field of expertise.

Online education will come in handy, as it gives you a chance to continue advancing your skills, from the comfort of your own home, at the times that best fit your daily schedule.

This concept is already widely accepted, having in mind that 68% of online students are experienced professionals, trying to explore new possibilities or advance their current careers.

These trends have a significant impact on education at the moment and are shaping it for the future. Both the educators and the students who want to stay ahead of the curve should embrace them and keep their competitive edge.

Jolene Rutherford

Jolene Rutherford is a marketing specialist – turned blogger, currently writing for technivorz.com. Interested in digital marketing and new technology trends. Love sharing content that can help and mean to people.


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