Mobile Optimized Website

Where to get a Mobile Optimized Website

It is important to have a mobile optimized website nowadays. In this digital era where a good portion of people online uses some form of gadget to browse content, it is important that the websites where our content is located should be optimized for mobiles as well. This is the reason why many companies not only have websites but they also build an app to supplement their content.

However, for private individuals, small businesses, entrepreneurs, and blogs, building an app is not feasible due to monetary concerns or it’s not just fit for their audience. Instead, they should make their websites mobile optimized so that people who browse using mobile will still be able to have a good user experience and enjoy their time on the website.

So where to get a mobile-optimized website then? It is very simple. You do not have to manually make your website coded for mobile. If you create a website using a website builder, the websites you have created will automatically become mobile optimized. Unfortunately, not all website builders have this feature so you have to be very careful.

An example of a website builder with mobile optimization is where you can create a mobile optimized website. The websites created can automatically be viewed on any gadget possible. The moment you acquire your website and make web pages, online users will immediately have good user experience with your website when they view it on a tablet or mobile.

How to know if a website builder is mobile optimized?

As mentioned earlier, you can automatically get a website that is optimized for mobiles and other gadgets when you create a website with a website builder that offers one like However, not all website builders have this feature.

In case you find yourself choosing a website builder that does not offer this feature, here are some ways for you to test out if your website is mobile friendly:

Input your website on Google’s mobile-friendly tool

This tool is really easy to use. Just copy and paste your website URL into the box on this website:

Google will then test if your site is mobile friendly or not. If it’s mobile friendly, it will say “Page is mobile friendly”. And if not, it will give you additional resources for improvement and advice on what to improve on.

Use a responsive theme

If your website is not mobile optimized, you can just pick out another theme from the theme catalog of your website builder. Sometimes, some site designs and site themes are not responsible for other gadgets.

Once you have chosen a theme, check out how it will look like on your mobile device.

Improve the loading time of your website

When your theme is finally mobile responsive, you now have to improve the time your website loads on mobile. The site loading time is important so people who visit your site will not go to another website or exit. This contributes to the overall user experience of a visitor on your site.

First, test out your loading page time using this mobile test tool by Google:

It will calculate the loading time of your site and generate a report for you. It will also evaluate the points you need to improve for your website’s loading time.


These are some of the initial steps you can take to make your site optimized for mobile. However, the easiest way is to build your website using a website builder or website host that already offers mobile optimized website themes and features.

In this day and age, millions of users use their mobiles to browse content and website. So if your website is not yet optimized for gadgets, you better start making the changes now.

Anne Balad


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