Question About CEO Interviews:
Give us a brief introduction to your company?
I started Cubix in 2008 with a dream of a development company that helps startups and enterprises with innovative tech solutions. I have over ten years of development experience which helped me in launching a company that soon grew to become the top mobile app development company in North America. Cubix is my dream come true and we are taking it forward to the Middle East and beyond.
More details About Cubix Inc.
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Company: Cubix Inc
What are the services you offer to your clients?
My vision for Cubix is to solve business problems with smart tech solutions and that’s what I tell my team every day. Solve problems for the clients.
Our focus ison leveraging the latest technologies that help startups and enterprises in automating their processes, enhancing their customer interaction, and providing end-to-end solutions to customers. I love to see businesses grow with creative technologies.
My company focuses on mobile app development, game development, Blockchain development, Augmented Reality, Business Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Web Development, and MVP Development.
We are headquartered in Washington a leading software development company. My team is developing intriguing web apps, mobile apps, games, and enterprise-level business solutions for startups and enterprises.
I am honored to quote over a decade of experience in web solutions, mobile apps, business intelligence, and marketing analytics. Over the years, we have emerged as the leading mobile app development know for our flawless product and project management.
My team is a combination of developers, designers, mathematicians, and creative artists who are passionate about developing innovative tech solutions.
Our expertise lies in IoT, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Blockchain, Virtual Reality, and SaaS.
We have helped over 500 companies with unrivalled solutions and have worked with several Fortune 500 Companies.
In this intensely competitive era, what technologies, services and project model can give you an edge over your competitors?
We are, what you call, an innovation house that adopts the latest technologies for enabling agile management and robust development.
We train our employees to use the latest technologies, such as React Native, Swift, and Flutter, to name a few. And this is what makes us stand out from our competitors.
We don’t simply run into the development phase. In fact, I tell my team to take as much time as they need to completely understand the project. We conduct vigorous internal and external workshops and study the project thoroughly.
Our project managers, developers, and creative artists engage with the clients and decide the technology stack.
Since we have over ten years of experience, we are able to guide the client with what’s best for them. Some of our clients are laymen, and our technical expertise allows us to help them. Also, we have an extensive codebase that we reuse when cloning features.
Let me tell you that we maintain the same attitude after the project is locked. Unless the client is an enterprise, we conduct a competitive analysis and explore the market. And no wonder, our projects are completed successfully 90% of the times.
The clients trust us for the technology stack and other technical aspects. We take inspiration from global leaders like Google, Facebook, and other leading companies. So the clients know we are delivering nothing but the best.
How has being an entrepreneur affected your family & social life?
I can’t say it hasn’t affected my personal life at all, but I do manage to take out time for my family and friends even on the busiest of days. Especially for my kids, for they inspire me to do wonders.
My company is my baby and although parenthood comes with a lot of responsibilities, it’s an on-going responsibility. And I enjoy it. It’s my forever passion. I have always been a workaholic, and you can say, I am in practice of managing my family and social life, despite all the workload, tight deadlines, and pending business matters. You have to take everything together and I think I am doing just fine with that.
Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?
My Mother is my biggest motivator. She is the one I look up to on the brightest and darkest days. She raised me to become a compassionate and considerate human and always led with example by showing me the right thing to do.
My mother has had a tough life but never did she let the rough storms touch me. She believes in working hard and changing your life. And that’s my goal in life. Never let anything define your limited. Break the barriers and go ahead!
I idealize Muhammad Ali for his undying strength and resilience. And when it comes to business, there nobody like Bill Gates.
Share best 3 applications which your company have created or used for business.
We have developed several mobile apps with groundbreaking downloads and engagement. However, three of these are the start products for Cubix.
Space Pirates:It’s an exciting real-time strategy and roleplay game. It’s developed on Hero Engine where the players choose whether to play as humans or aliens. Space Pirate is a challenging game and highly addictive for young adults.
Crisis Pal:An app that spreads authentic information about users, so the loved ones are in the loop. The app allows users to notify their social circle and the masses, helping in countering false news. Spreading credible information about emergencies and critical situations.
Clinique:A series of games for Clinique, designed to achieve different objectives. The games help the employees to learn about the products, so the customers can be catered effectively at the stores.
After service is a necessary part of development. How do you provide customer support to your client?
My company focuses on giving a comfortable and convenient experience for our clients. We aren’t only about locking contracts and delivering products and solutions. At Cubix, our aim to build relationships with our clients through prompt customer support. So, our project managers and development team, along with all concerned people are constantly in touch with the client.
Also, as I have said earlier, some of our clients are laymen with little to no technical knowledge. So, it’s very important to guide them throughout.
And when the project is complete, we remain in touch just in case our help is required. Cubix stresses on the importance of accurately implementing the products and solutions. We stick through the process and help our clients beyond simply delivery the solution.
What are your hobbies? What do you do in your non-work time?
The truth is, I rarely have any non-work time. Most of the times, I am drowned in meetings, interviewing candidates, or engaging with my team. Whatever free time I get, I spend it with my family. You will usually find me trying new eateries or exploring new places around. I love to play cricket.
I was once the captain for one of the clubs. But now, I cannot find much time for it. I really wish I could do more of that though.
Have you raised any funding? Or have any plans for the funding?
Yes. We raised funding during the early days. We were lucky to payback. For now, we don’t have any plans for raising funds. Let’s say we are good to go for now.
Give your opinions on how far this app revolution can make a difference in the technology world?
Mobile apps are everything this world needs right now. Only if I could emphasize its importance enough. Every industry is moving to mobile devices. You name it and there is a mobile app for it. From ordering food to finding restrooms. There is an app for literally everything. And the trends will only grow.
But let’s not call it a revolution yet. It has just started to evolve. I think we should be prepared for unbelievably amazing mobile apps in the coming days. And we are preparing to match the excellence expected from mobile apps in the future.
What latest technologies and tools you’re planning to implement for mobile app development?
We are known as the early adopters of the latest technologies and that’s what differentiates us from our competitors. We have recently developed unrivalled expertise in React Native, Swift, Flutter, and more. To deliver ambitious products and services to our clients, we need to have a strong grip on the latest technologies.
New innovations are coming with every day and catching up on them is integral for robust development.
What’s your approach to creating interactive and addictive UX/UI of mobile apps and websites?
I’m a staunch believer of simplicity and so is my team. You see, when it comes to design, less is more. You don’t need a lot of colours and elements, but meaningful and engaging features. Google has the simplest UX/UI. Amazon too. All these giants look simple and sweet. That’s what we target at Cubix; designing like pros!
What are the challenges you see in the outsourcing industry?
I am not very found of outsourcing. It comes along with a lot of challenges and risks. Although it’s getting popular in recent times, I have my reservations with it.
Service providers attract clients by quoting below the industry average. You are instantly attracted to a company giving something for $100 that is otherwise available for $150. But more often than not, the quality is comprised. Also, the lack of proper documentation leads to a lot of challenges. It gets frustrating for the parties over time, especially if you have logged into long-term contracts.I’d rather nurture an in-house team of my own.
Mention the ways you use to introduce new updates to your team.
We have a lot of ways to keep the team updated. We hold periodic meetings with our team members and inform them about new updates and other happenings. If there is something of utmost importance, I coordinate with the teams myself. I want them to hear it from me and know that Cubix holds high regards for their feedback. Also, emails, messages, meetings, videos, and other exciting platforms are utilized for updating employees.
My team is like my family. You’d see us having fun all the time.
What’s your step to enter into wearable tech & IoT revolution?
I am answering this question while I am wearing a smartwatch and chances are that you’re using one of the wearable devices too. It has escalated into the market already. At Cubix, we are developing apps for wearable devices considering the growing interest of the public.
However, playing with IoT and wearable tech is different from regular mobile apps. It requires high-end customization and convenience beyond belief. We have a designated team working on these technologies.
Anything, you would like to say to our readers, upcoming entrepreneurs or Startup Companies?
It’s a fertile world. Things fall into place if you don’t lose hope. You might not get breakthrough sales in the first month or until six months. But hang in there. You’ll make it through.
Also, explore your social circle and build a good team. Bring together people you trust and whose skills are unmatched in the industry. Your people will get you to the top. Also, have fun in your job. Enjoy what you do and learn from your mistakes. Explore what went wrong in case you fail.
Good luck!